Friday, 13 April 2012

colour collages . . .

Line drawings of windows around City College and their compositions led to these slightly optical illusion-like collages. We had to pick three colours out of the hat and mix and paint up what ever we were given: I had chalk white, satsuma orange and slate grey.

The first few days of collaging little squares of coloured paper from my window drawings were a bit of a drag but once I got the wet paint and fashion designs involved I was loving it! Abstract collage and splodges and dripping paint are just my thing!

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

final major project (part 1) . . .

My ideas for the final project have developed mainly around my family's Scottish heritage and the way different clans have their own unique tartans. I love the way people say that they have their family tartan when they are thoroughly Southern and have had nothing to do with Scotland for generations and part of my project is about creating a tartan or garment that actually reflects you rather than long dead ancestors.

At the moment I have been wrapped up in pleats of all kinds, and while I appreciate that spending hours researching deep knife pleats and wondering about the merrits of the box pleat as opposed to the double box pleat is not everyone's cup of tea, I am thorouhly enjoying it!

Have been looking at Thom Browne's s/s 2012 collection for pleating inspiration.