Monday, 20 August 2012

my little matchboxes . . .

Making match box cameras has become my new obsession. 
It's so easy and satisfying to take pictures with your own camera that I'm proud of even the rubbish ones that went wrong and came out as dark blurs. I used the instructions from here and you can see photos from my first try in this post.

My first camera looking all forlorn and torn up, and stuff I used for the new one.

 I'll admit that the first one wasn't much of a looker but it produced two very good rolls of film and I felt rather like I had betrayed it when I ripped it open to reuse the piece of aluminium inside!
However, pinhole camera mark two has had a makeover and is much sleeker and updated (actually to be honest the only change I have made is to make the pin hole a little smaller for a sharper image) but at least people might actually believe me when I say that yes, it is really a camera!

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

foundation work . . .

I've recently been going through a load of my Art Foundation work (in the view to throwing most of it away) and I thought I'd post bits from a few of my favourite projects, also because I'm not doing anything new at the moment.

A project that started with us choosing a piece of art or design or architecture that is completely different from our own style. I decided to go for skyscrapers as my work usually tends to be more curved and flowing but straight away shoved a load of colour in there to bring it back to the norm!

 Fashion illustration week which taught me that water colours and layout paper are hateful together.

Friday, 3 August 2012

summer clothes . . .

Just a quick picture from a recent trip to the beach where I wore a light top I made from muslin leftover from my final major project and a pair of high-waisted gingham shorts I made a little while ago and now wear constantly! (when it's not raining at least)